Just in case you have a little time on your hands and want to escape the crush of relatives this weekend, or live in the Midwest or Europe and need a respite from the snow storms, here are a few stories that caught my eye this week that I think you will find interesting:
Toronto Maple Leaf fans turn to Eggos to express their frustration with management (Globe & Mail
Vanity Fair sits down with Sid the Kid in advance of the Winter Classic (Ovetchkin interview in print edition (VF)
Money may buy the Yankees pennants, but it won't buy NFL titles (NYTimes)
Don't hit anybody with your ball or club on a golf course in New York or you'll pay (NYTimes via Sports Law Blog)
Starting January 2, Florida Panthers are offering a money-back guarantee that you'll have a good time at their games, not that they will win, mind you, just that you'll have a good time (Sun-Sentinel Business of Sports)
ESPN says Bud Selig wants a salary cap (ESPN via The Big Lead)