Weekend Links


Sorry for my absence from the blog this week.  I came back to the Bluegrass from a brief visit to Chicago to visit relatives and immediately upon returning to the Ohio Valley Steamroom was felled by some ailment caused no doubt by the thick layer of ozone that has been hanging over the Valley for the last couple of weeks.  I know the Northeast got 100+ days this week, but we've had something like 25 90+ degree days since June 1 with no end in sight. The humidity has been hovering around 90% and it's not safe for man or beast out there.

Enough complaining.  I'm finally returning to some semblance of a normal life so it's back to the blog.  I know you struggled through The Decision without me but I'm sure you managed better than Dan Gilbert did.  Someone must have taken his lithium away.  Good luck to the Heat - if they don't win a championship this year, there will be hell to pay in South Beach.

I haven't been able to keep up with much this week, so here's a few links to carry you through the weekend:

Why not a seventh Canadian team for the NHL, a TSN, Globe and Mail series (TSN, Globe and Mail)

Is there a sinister bias for calling fouls in soccer? (Paul Kedrosky)

ACC lands a new media deal with ESPN for about $1.86 Billion though 2022-23. The deal should double each school's current television revenue.  (News&Observer, ACC)

Fatwa issued in UAE against  vuvuzelas above 100 decibels (The National via Bloomberg)

How different are major league baseball stadiums - at least those without roofs? (Snippets)

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