March Money Madness
08.18There are as many ways to fill out March Madness brackets as there are people filling them out. In fact, according to the Houston Chronicle, there are 147.5 quintillion ways to fill one out. And that's just the office pool variety.
The NCAA bracket lends itself to all sorts of quick analysis or examples of different ways of looking at college athletics or colleges in general. There are the academic performance brackets (Butler if you're scoring at home) and graduation rates (seven schools with 100% - the highest seed being Notre Dame and Arizona at the bottom with 20%), but the most novel one I found this year revolves around money. It's not the money that each program makes, although that is an interesting one as well (see, Forbes study of 2009 basketball revenue - Duke, Louisville and North Carolina on top), it's one that is based on the median salary of each school's graduates.
In this bracket, not surprisingly Princeton beat Kentucky. Actually, the bracket only begins with the Sweet Sixteen but since Princeton is in it, we can assume that win. It's a fun look and a Final Four of Princeton, Duke, UCLA and Georgetown is not all that surprising, Neither is Princeton's ultimate victory. Here's the bracket:
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