Boudreau: FIFA AR in less than 5 years of refereeing


In November 2014, Chantal Boudreau (25) was invited to join the 2015 National Assistant Referee List. She now has her National AR badge and received her FIFA AR badge, becoming the first official from Saskatchewan to reach the FIFA List.
- How did you first get into refereeing?
- My brother Daniel had been refereeing for years and when I came back from a trip to Europe with my other brother, Mario, he convinced both of us to take the ref course.
- How many years have you been a referee?
- It will be five years in March.
- What skills are required to be a successful referee?
- You have to have a really strong personality. You have to be able to have a thick skin when it comes down to it because you do get yelled at, so you really have to be someone who isn�t afraid of criticism at all and be willing to deal with the bad as well as with the good. That would be the biggest one.
- What are some of your most memorable moments or tournaments you have been a part of?
- One year I went to Charlottetown for the CCA�s and it was cold in mid - November. It was so cold and you have to officiate in shorts and t-shirts because we always have to wear our yellow jerseys. That game went into overtime and then kicks from the mark and at the end of the game we couldn�t even move. It was so cold that it was probably one of the worst tournaments weather wise but was one of the first tournaments that I got to do nationally. So it was a real great experience to get to know the girls that I would be working with for the following two years and the experience of what it is for soccer in Canada was absolutely fantastic! Also, in the summer at CIS Women�s Nationals, I got to work with Carol Anne Chenard and Marie-Soleil Beaudoin, so it was really nice to work with them. There have been a few tournaments where it has been really great to work with some awesome people.
- What advice do you have for referees trying to get to the same point as yourself?
- Never give up, don�t give up because at the point where you think it might not happen, something always turns around and lady luck can always give you a helping hand. Also, never take any experience for granted because whichever experience you have you can always learn something from it, good or bad and it can always help you develop to become a better official.

Source: RSA Spotlight

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