The Canadian referee took charge of four games in the inaugural ISL campaign as one of a number of PRO officials to travel to India, and he has been invited back to participate in the 2015 season. This year's ISL started on October 3 and Gantar travelled to India, finishing a busy year, including the CONCACAF U-20 Qualifying, the CONCACAF Gold Cup, as well as a number of MLS assignments.
Gantar told �I have a combination of excitement - I get to see the people I met last year and be involved in some good games - and tentativeness, as no one else from PRO will be there with me this time. I do not have a lot of time to think, though, since I am leaving this week and I am busy preparing, whether that be with immunization shots, medications or visas. The group of us that went last year have had opportunities to share our experiences throughout this MLS season,� Gantar added. �My goal this time around is to continue representing PRO well both on the field and off the field�.
Source: PRO