CONCACAF Statutes Reforms
09.16The Confederation of North, Central America and Caribbean Association Football�s (CONCACAF) Executive Committee submitted for consideration of its Member Associations a package of reforms and amendments to the Confederation�s statutes. The amendments to CONCACAF�s statutes will be discussed in advance of CONCACAF�s XXI Extraordinary Congress, and voted on by Member Associations in Zurich, Switzerland, on 25 February 2016. The statutory changes under consideration were developed by CONCACAF�s Statutes Reform Committee to incorporate recommendations made by the FIFA Reform Committee and commitments made in the CONCACAF Reform Framework. The CONCACAF Reform Framework was unanimously approved by CONCACAF�s Executive Committee on 4 July 2015, and put in place to guide the Confederation�s reform process to separate politics from the business and administration of the game, and align the Confederation�s governance and business operations with corporate best practices. The reforms include the establishment of an up to 15-member CONCACAF Council which would include representation from all three geographic regions (North America, Central America and the Caribbean) within CONCACAF as well as a requirement that three of the members are independent. Other changes include the creation of a number of independent committees covering auditing and compliance, compensation, finance and governance. The members of both the committees and the CONCACAF Council would be limited to terms of twelve years, whether served consecutively or non-consecutively. All candidates for positions in CONCACAF will be subject to ethics checks by an independent ethics committee. The new package of reforms also calls for the right to audit member federations to ensure that they are not spending CONCACAF money improperly. Finally, compensation packages for confederation executives would be reviewed and approved on a yearly basis.
Specific reforms include:
� Governance: The establishment of the CONCACAF Council to replace the current Executive Committee. The CONCACAF Council will consist of up to fifteen members with representation from each of CONCACAF�s three geographic Unions, including a proposal to require three members to be independent.
� Independent Committees: The creation of a Compensation Committee, Governance Committee, Audit and Compliance Committee, and Finance Committee. The Compensation and Audit and Compliance Committees are to be comprised entirely of independent members. The Governance and Finance Committees are to be chaired by and comprised of a number of independent members.
� Ethics: A requirement for all candidates for the CONCACAF Council, CONCACAF President, standing committee members, members of judicial bodies, and senior Confederation officials to undergo eligibility checks to be conducted by an independent Ethics Committee.
� Term Limits: The introduction of term limits of twelve years (consecutive or non-consecutive) for CONCACAF Council members and members of independent committees.
� Transparency: The Congress is given authority to review and approve on an annual basis, upon the recommendation of the independent Compensation Committee, the remuneration and other compensation of CONCACAF Council members, CONCACAF representatives before FIFA, the chairpersons of the Audit and Compliance Committee, Finance Committee, Compensation Committee and the Governance Committee, and senior officials including the General Secretary, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Legal Officer and Chief Compliance Officer.
� Accountability: The right of CONCACAF to audit any Member Association or Union receiving CONCACAF funds for a specific purpose to ensure that such funds are being used for said purpose.
Transitional provisions regarding the implementation of the Statutes:
o All provisions take place immediately, unless otherwise prescribed.
o Transitions for term limits for existing members of the Executive Committee shall take into account their prior terms provided such member may serve the remaining term of his or her existing term plus one additional term.
o All independent members of the CONCACAF Council and independent members of the committees must be elected at the next Ordinary Congress with their staggered terms to run from that Congress.
o All governance provisions applicable to MAs whose statutes are not currently in compliance with Article 12 have until January 2017 to comply � all other governance guidelines and provisions shall be applicable immediately.
o If the FIFA Statutes provision applicable to the expansion of the FIFA Council is not approved by the FIFA Congress, such provisions in the CONCACAF Statutes are deleted and inapplicable.
o Provision that the President cannot be the President of a Member Association effective at the end of the next Men�s World Cup.
o Composition of standing committees to be determined by the CONCACAF Council.
o CONCACAF Council shall delegate the conducting of eligibility check required to be conducted to a third party until the Ethics Committee is constituted.
o The CONCACAF Council may determine whether any provision�s compliance period should be extended but not past the next Men�s World Cup.
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