FIFA Drops All Charges in the Case of the Orange Miniskirts


It's all peace and love in South Africa now as FIFA and Bavaria have kissed and made up.  FIFA and the South African police have agreed to drop all charges against the Dutch brewery and the two miniskirted glad girls accused of guerilla marketing campaign.  The girls are "happy to go home and the situation is resolved."

For its part, Bavaria has agreed to respect FIFA's marketing policies through 2022 and each party would release all claims against the other.

All is well that ends well I suppose but the whole affair leaves a bad taste in one's mouth.  FIFA once again displays an incredible lack of public relations savvy, giving Bavaria far more publicity than they would have ever received by ignoring the girls altogether.  After all, the girls were only wearing orange dresses free of Bavaria logos and practically indistinguishable from the rest of the crowd, except perhaps from the extraordinary good looks and short miniskirts - it is winter in South Africa.  There is a good way and bad way to enforce your licenses and FIFA has yet to figure that out.

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